Caverta 50 mg

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Caverta 100 mg

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Caverta is a prescribed medicine that is only for men’s use. It belongs to the phosphodiesterase type (PDE 5) inhibitors group of medicines. The main use of Caverta medicine is to treat erectile dysfunction. It is used to increase blood flow in the penis. It also helps men fulfill and maintain an erection during sexual activity. So, go and buy caverta online at Myadventur and treat yourself. 

Caverta medicine is beneficial for those people who suffer from erectile dysfunction disorder. The dosage of this medicine varies according to the age and needs of a  Person. You can use this only when you have a plan for sexual activity or sexual intimacy. You need to follow all prescriptions prescribed by the healthcare professional. You can buy Caverta online after consulting with your doctor.

We should take this medicine 1 hour before going for sexual activity or sexual intimacy. Mainly it takes 30 – 60 minutes to work and it depends on the person’s body because every person has a different digestion speed and the work speed of this medicine depends upon the person’s digestion. You can take this medicine with Normal or hot water or milk. It gives better results if you take this medicine with milk.

You can take this medicine on an empty stomach or with a meal. You should avoid this medicine if you are taking any medicine continuously because it becomes dangerous if you take this medicine along with nitrate medicines. You should avoid the consumption of alcohol if you are going to use Coverta medicine. 

Process of Using Caverta Medicine 

We need to follow basic processes for using Cavert medicine. You need to follow all guidelines and instructions prescribed by the doctor and healthcare professional. You should take this medicine 1 hour before going to sexual intimacy. You can take this medicine on an empty stomach or with a meal. This medicine has many side effects. So, you need to follow all instructions carefully and avoid all side effects. You need to avoid the unnecessary use of this medicine and save yourself from its side effects. If want to treat yourself at home so need to go to and buy caverta online after consulting with a doctor.

Purpose Of Using Caverta Medicine:

Mainly we are using this medicine to treat erectile dysfunction disorder. Only men are affected by this disease. This medicine enhances the flow of blood in the penis. After the use of Caverta medicine, a person can maintain and enhance an erection. Mainly men use caverta medicine to enhance their sexual intimacy time.

Side Effects of Caverta Medicine

Caverta medicine has many side effects and every side effect depends on the use process of the medicine. If you ignore the prescription of medicine then it shows different results and affects your body. Some common side effects of caverta medicine are the following:

  • Body weakness and blurred vision.
  • Headaches 
  • Digestion problem 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Swelling on different parts of the body.
  • Vomiting 
  • Furtigueness in the whole body 
  • It directly affects our blood pressure 
  • Abnormal behavior of penis
  • Back pain 
  • Sleepy feelings occur
  • Muscular pain
  • Its Affects your heart
  • Stuffy nose
  • Bloody urine 

Different MGs of Caverta Medicine

  • Caverta 50MG Tablet 
  • Caverta 100MG Tablet
  • Caverta 25MG Tablet

Interactions of Caverta Drug

Every medicine has a different Interaction with different people. So, you need to consult with your doctor about the interaction of a medicine before use.

The list of medicines which interact with Caverta drug :

  • Clarithromycin
  • Dexamethasone
  • Ketoconazole
  • Isoniazid
  • Amlodipine
  • Warfarin
  • Carbamazepine
  • Nitroglycerin

Warning and precautions

Some important precautions you need to follow are the following:

  • You should use only one medicine 1 hour before intercourse. 
  • Keep away this medicine from the children.
  • This medicine is not for the women’s use.
  • Avoid this medicine if you are suffering from diabetes, sugar, and liver problems.
  • Avoid alcohol if you are going to use this medicine.
  • Do not use another medicine along with this medicine.
  • This medicine is not for more than 60-year-old people.
  • Keep safe yourself from use of overdose.


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you take an extra Coverta tablet?

Taking too much caverta table causes headaches, body pain, stomach pain, and muscular pain. If you feel any of the given symptoms then contact your doctor and take proper precautions. Too much dosage of Caverta is harmful to your health and sometimes causes dieth. So, keep aware yourself of Caverta before use.

What happens after taking Caverta?

Caverta tablets increase the blood flow in the penis and relax your blood vessels. It helps you to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual activity. It has many side effects (like Headache, fatigue in the whole body, and Body weakness and blurred vision, etc.).After taking Carveta You are also feel abnormal behavior of your penis.

Can I take Caverta daily?

No, This medicine has many side effects. So, you need to talk with your doctor before using this medicine. You can take it only when you are going to make sensual intimacy. You don’t need to take this medicine if you don’t have erectile dysfunctions.

How do you use Caverta Tablet? 

You can take a Caverta tablet on an empty stomach or with a meal. We should take this medicine 1 hour before going for sexual activity or sexual intimacy. Mainly it takes 30 – 60 minutes to work and it depends on the person’s body because every person has a different digestion speed and the work speed of this medicine depends upon the person’s digestion.

What is the main cause of erectile dysfunction?

The main causes of erectile dysfunction are too much smoking, drinking, and stress. It is also caused by high blood pressure and side effects of medicines.